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Our Classes

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1 hour class

This was our very first class, introduced as an affordable class that's accessible for everyone. Bootcamp is a high intensity strength and conditioning class, designed to help you build muscle and increase your aerobic fitness to become the fittest version of you. Classes include a variety of different training methods such as circuit training, HIIT, strength circuits and endurance workouts. These fast-paced classes are perfect for anyone looking to take their fitness to the next level.

Fit For Life

1 hour class
£10 PAYG
Max 8 people per class

Fit For Life is our strength class. These classes will help you build a strong core and teach you to lift weights safely with good form. FFL focuses on resistance training, mobility, balance and core strength to help you feel strong in your day to day life, with the aim to live life pain free. 

A great option for anyone who wants to feel fit and strong all round. The more controlled pace and emphasis on correct form also makes it a good place to start if you are returning from injury/time off. You won't find any burpees in this class!


1 hour class
£10 PAYG

A class based on training methods that boxers use to get fit. Boxercise involves hitting focus pads but never hitting an opponent.

Classes consist of combinations, boxing circuits and boxing-related resistance and cardio exercises to create a fun, high energy workout that will work your brain as well as your muscles!

A perfect workout for stress busting. 


45 min class
£10 PAYG

Burn high calories and boost your fitness in our high intensity spin class. These classes are designed to push you to your limits and help you burn fat, increase stamina and leg strength. Expect epic playlists, high energy, choreography and an upper body sculpting track with weights.

We guarantee you will leave this spin class feeling energised and motivated.

Class Timetable


9am - Fit For Life

6:45pm - Bootcamp


5:30pm - Fit For Life

6:45pm - Spin


5:30pm - Bootcamp

6:45pm - Spin


5:45pm - Fit For Life (starting May 2024)

7:00pm - Spin


9am - Boxercise

12:30pm - Spin & Abs

12:30pm - Spin (30)


8am - Spin

9am - Bootcamp

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